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In this chapter, we outline best practices for using the centrally provided OpenFOAM installations on the VSC HPC infrastructure.

Different OpenFOAM releases#

There are currently three different sets of versions of OpenFOAM available, each with its own versioning scheme:

Make sure you know which flavor of OpenFOAM you want to use, since there are important differences between the different versions w.r.t. features. If the OpenFOAM version you need is not available yet, see I want to use software that is not available on the clusters yet.

Documentation & training material#

The best practices outlined here focus specifically on the use of OpenFOAM on the VSC HPC infrastructure. As such, they are intended to augment the existing OpenFOAM documentation rather than replace it. For more general information on using OpenFOAM, please refer to:

Other useful OpenFOAM documentation:

Preparing the environment#

To prepare the environment of your shell session or job for using OpenFOAM, there are a couple of things to take into account.

Picking and loading an OpenFOAM module#

First of all, you need to pick and load one of the available OpenFOAM modules. To get an overview of the available modules, run 'module avail OpenFOAM'. For example:

$ module avail OpenFOAM
------------------ /apps/gent/CO7/sandybridge/modules/all ------------------
   OpenFOAM/v1712-foss-2017b     OpenFOAM/4.1-intel-2017a
   OpenFOAM/v1712-intel-2017b    OpenFOAM/5.0-intel-2017a
   OpenFOAM/2.2.2-intel-2017a    OpenFOAM/5.0-intel-2017b
   OpenFOAM/2.2.2-intel-2018a    OpenFOAM/5.0-20180108-foss-2018a
   OpenFOAM/2.3.1-intel-2017a    OpenFOAM/5.0-20180108-intel-2017b
   OpenFOAM/2.4.0-intel-2017a    OpenFOAM/5.0-20180108-intel-2018a
   OpenFOAM/3.0.1-intel-2016b    OpenFOAM/6-intel-2018a            (D)

To pick a module, take into account the differences between the different OpenFOAM versions w.r.t. features and API (see also Different OpenFOAM releases). If multiple modules are available that fulfill your requirements, give preference to those providing a more recent OpenFOAM version, and to the ones that were installed with a more recent compiler toolchain; for example, prefer a module that includes intel-2024b in its name over one that includes intel-2024a.

To prepare your environment for using OpenFOAM, load the OpenFOAM module you have picked; for example:

$ module load OpenFOAM/4.1-intel-2017a

Sourcing the $FOAM_BASH script#

OpenFOAM provides a script that you should source to further prepare the environment. This script will define some additional environment variables that are required to use OpenFOAM. The OpenFOAM modules define an environment variable named FOAM_BASH that specifies the location to this script. Assuming you are using bash in your shell session or job script, you should always run the following command after loading an OpenFOAM module:

$ source $FOAM_BASH

Defining utility functions used in tutorial cases#

If you would like to use the getApplication, runApplication, runParallel, cloneCase and/or compileApplication functions that are used in OpenFOAM tutorials, you also need to source the RunFunctions script:

$  source $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions

Note that this needs to be done after sourcing $FOAM_BASH to make sure $WM_PROJECT_DIR is defined.

Dealing with floating-point errors#

If you are seeing Floating Point Exception errors, you can undefine the $FOAM_SIGFPE environment variable that is defined by the $FOAM_BASH script as follows:

$ unset $FOAM_SIGFPE

Note that this only prevents OpenFOAM from propagating floating point exceptions, which then results in terminating the simulation. However, it does not prevent that illegal operations (like a division by zero) are being executed; if NaN values appear in your results, floating point errors are occurring.

As such, you should not use this in productions runs. Instead, you should track down the root cause of the floating point errors, and try to prevent them from occurring at all.

OpenFOAM workflow#

The general workflow for OpenFOAM consists of multiple steps. Prior to running the actual simulation, some pre-processing needs to be done:

  • generate the mesh;

  • decompose the domain into subdomains using decomposePar (only for parallel OpenFOAM simulations);

After running the simulation, some post-processing steps are typically performed:

  • reassemble the decomposed domain using reconstructPar (only for parallel OpenFOAM simulations, and optional since some postprocessing can also be done on decomposed cases);

  • evaluate or further process the simulation results, either visually using ParaView (for example, via the paraFoam tool; use paraFoam -builtin for decomposed cases) or using command-line tools like postProcess; see also

Depending on the size of the domain and the desired format of the results, these pre- and post-processing steps can be run either before/after the job running the actual simulation, either on the HPC infrastructure or elsewhere, or as a part of the job that runs the OpenFOAM simulation itself.

Do make sure you are using the same OpenFOAM version in each of the steps. Meshing can be done sequentially (i.e., on a single core) using for example blockMesh, or in parallel using more advanced meshing tools like snappyHexMesh, which is highly recommended for large cases. For more details, see

One important aspect to keep in mind for 'offline' pre-processing is that the domain decomposition needs to match the number of processor cores that are used for the actual simulation, see also Domain decomposition and number of processor cores.

For post-processing you can either download the simulation results to a local workstation, or do the post-processing (interactively) on the HPC infrastructure, for example on the login nodes or using an interactive session on a workernode. This may be interesting to avoid the overhead of downloading the results locally.

Running OpenFOAM in parallel#

For general information on running OpenFOAM in parallel, see

The -parallel option#

When running OpenFOAM in parallel, do not forget to specify the -parallel option, to avoid running the same OpenFOAM simulation $N$ times, rather than running it once using $N$ processor cores.

You can check whether OpenFOAM was run in parallel in the output of the main command: the OpenFOAM header text should only be included once in the output, and it should specify a value different than '1' in the nProcs field. Note that most pre- and post-processing utilities like blockMesh, decomposePar and reconstructPar can not be run in parallel.

Using mympirun#

It is highly recommended to use the mympirun command when running parallel OpenFOAM simulations rather than the standard mpirun command; see Mympiprun for more information on mympirun.

See Basic usage for how to get started with mympirun.

To pass down the environment variables required to run OpenFOAM (which were defined by the $FOAM_BASH script, see Preparing the environment) to each of the MPI processes used in a parallel OpenFOAM execution, the $MYMPIRUN_VARIABLESPREFIX environment variable must be defined as follows, prior to running the OpenFOAM simulation with mympirun:


Whenever you are instructed to use a command like mpirun -np <N> ..., use mympirun ... instead; mympirun will automatically detect the number of processor cores that are available (see also Controlling number of processes).

Domain decomposition and number of processor cores#

To run OpenFOAM in parallel, you must decompose the domain into multiple subdomains. Each subdomain will be processed by OpenFOAM on one processor core.

Since mympirun will automatically use all available cores, you need to make sure that the number of subdomains matches the number of processor cores that will be used by mympirun. If not, you may run into an error message like:

number of processor directories = 4 is not equal to the number of processors = 16

In this case, the case was decomposed in 4 subdomains, while the OpenFOAM simulation was started with 16 processes through mympirun. To match the number of subdomains and the number of processor cores used by mympirun, you should either:

  • adjust the value for numberOfSubdomains in system/decomposeParDict (and adjust the value for n accordingly in the domain decomposition coefficients), and run decomposePar again; or

  • submit your job requesting exactly the same number of processor cores as there are subdomains (see the number of processor* directories that were created by decomposePar)

See Controlling number of processes to control the number of process mympirun will start.

This is interesting if you require more memory per core than is available by default. Note that the decomposition method being used (which is specified in system/decomposeParDict) has significant impact on the performance of a parallel OpenFOAM simulation. Good decomposition methods (like metis or scotch) try to limit communication overhead by minimising the number of processor boundaries.

To visualise the processor domains, use the following command:

$ mympirun foamToVTK -parallel -constant -time 0 -excludePatches '(".*.")'

and then load the VTK files generated in the VTK folder into ParaView.

Running OpenFOAM on a shared filesystem#

OpenFOAM is known to significantly stress shared filesystems, since a lot of (small) files are generated during an OpenFOAM simulation. Shared filesystems are typically optimised for dealing with (a small number of) large files, and are usually a poor match for workloads that involve a (very) large number of small files (see also

Take into account the following guidelines for your OpenFOAM jobs, which all relate to input parameters for the OpenFOAM simulation that you can specify in system/controlDict (see also

  • instruct OpenFOAM to write out results at a reasonable frequency, certainly not for every single time step}; you can control this using the writeControl, writeInterval, etc. keywords;

  • consider only retaining results for the last couple of time steps, see the purgeWrite keyword;

  • consider writing results for only part of the domain (e.g., a line of plane) rather than the entire domain;

  • if you do not plan to change the parameters of the OpenFOAM simulation while it is running, set runTimeModifiable to false to avoid that OpenFOAM re-reads each of the system/*Dict files at every time step;

  • if the results per individual time step are large, consider setting writeCompression to true;

For modest OpenFOAM simulations where a single workernode suffices, consider using the local disk of the workernode as working directory (accessible via $VSC_SCRATCH_NODE), rather than the shared $VSC_SCRATCH filesystem. **Certainly do not use a subdirectory in $VSC_HOME or $VSC_DATA, since these shared filesystems are too slow for these type of workloads.

For large parallel OpenFOAM simulations on the UGent Tier-2 clusters, consider using the alternative shared scratch filesystem $VSC_SCRATCH_ARCANINE (see Pre-defined user directories).

These guidelines are especially important for large-scale OpenFOAM simulations that involve more than a couple of dozen of processor cores.

Using own solvers with OpenFOAM#


Example OpenFOAM job script#

Example job script for damBreak OpenFOAM tutorial (see also

-- --
#PBS -l walltime=1:0:0
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
# check for more recent OpenFOAM modules with 'module avail OpenFOAM'
module load OpenFOAM/6-intel-2018a
source $FOAM_BASH
# purposely not specifying a particular version to use most recent mympirun
module load vsc-mympirun
# let mympirun pass down relevant environment variables to MPI processes
# set up working directory
# (uncomment one line defining $WORKDIR below)
#export WORKDIR=$VSC_SCRATCH/$PBS_JOBID  # for small multi-node jobs
#export WORKDIR=$VSC_SCRATCH_ARCANINE/$PBS_JOBID  # for large multi-node jobs (not on available victini)
export WORKDIR=$VSC_SCRATCH_NODE/$PBS_JOBID  # for single-node jobs
mkdir -p $WORKDIR
# damBreak tutorial, see also
cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/damBreak $WORKDIR
cd $WORKDIR/damBreak
echo "working directory: $PWD"
# pre-processing: generate mesh
echo "start blockMesh: $(date)"
blockMesh &> blockMesh.out
# pre-processing: decompose domain for parallel processing
echo "start decomposePar: $(date)"
decomposePar &> decomposePar.out
# run OpenFOAM simulation in parallel
# note:
#  * the -parallel option is strictly required to actually run in parallel!
#    without it, the simulation is run N times on a single core...
#  * mympirun will use all available cores in the job by default,
#    you need to make sure this matches the number of subdomains!
echo "start interFoam: $(date)"
mympirun --output=interFoam.out interFoam -parallel
# post-processing: reassemble decomposed domain
echo "start reconstructPar: $(date)"
reconstructPar &> reconstructPar.out
# copy back results, i.e. all time step directories: 0, 0.05, ..., 1.0 and inputs
mkdir -p $RESULTS_DIR
cp -a *.out [0-9.]* constant system $RESULTS_DIR
echo "results copied to $RESULTS_DIR at $(date)"
# clean up working directory
cd $HOME
rm -rf $WORKDIR