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What is Singularity?#

Singularity is an open-source computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization (also known as containerisation).

One of the main uses of Singularity is to bring containers and reproducibility to scientific computing and the high-performance computing (HPC) world. Using Singularity containers, developers can work in reproducible environments of their choosing and design, and these complete environments can easily be copied and executed on other platforms.

For more general information about the use of Singularity, please see the official documentation at

This documentation only covers aspects of using Singularity on the infrastructure.

Restrictions on image location#

Some restrictions have been put in place on the use of Singularity. This is mainly done for performance reasons and to avoid that the use of Singularity impacts other users on the system.

The Singularity image file must be located on either one of the scratch filesystems, the local disk of the workernode you are using or /dev/shm. The centrally provided singularity command will refuse to run using images that are located elsewhere, in particular on the $VSC_HOME, /apps or $VSC_DATA filesystems.

In addition, this implies that running containers images provided via a URL (e.g., shub://... or docker://...) will not work.

If these limitations are a problem for you, please let us know via .

Available filesystems#

All HPC-UGent shared filesystems will be readily available in a Singularity container, including the home, data and scratch filesystems, and they will be accessible via the familiar $VSC_HOME, $VSC_DATA* and $VSC_SCRATCH* environment variables.

Singularity Images#

Creating Singularity images#

Creating new Singularity images or converting Docker images, by default, requires admin privileges, which is obviously not available on the infrastructure. However, if you use the --fakeroot option, you can make new Singularity images or convert Docker images.

When you make Singularity or convert Docker images you have some restrictions:

  • Due to the nature of --fakeroot option, we recommend to write your singularity image to a globally writable location, like /tmp, or /local directories. Once the images is created, you should move it to your desired destination.

Converting Docker images#

For more information on converting existing Docker images to Singularity images, see

We strongly recommend the use of Docker Hub, see for more information.

Execute our own script within our container#

Copy testing image from /apps/gent/tutorials/Singularity to $VSC_SCRATCH:

::: prompt :::

Create a job script like:

Create an example

::: code bash #!/bin/bash

# prime factors factor 1234567 :::

Tensorflow example#

We already have a Tensorflow example image, but you can also convert the Docker image (see to a Singularity image yourself

Copy testing image from /apps/gent/tutorials to $VSC_SCRATCH:

::: prompt :::

You can download from the official Tensorflow repository.

MPI example#

It is also possible to execute MPI jobs within a container, but the following requirements apply:

  • Mellanox IB libraries must be available from the container (install the infiniband-diags, libmlx5-1 and libmlx4-1 OS packages)

  • Use modules within the container (install the environment-modules or lmod package in your container)

  • Load the required module(s) before singularity execution.

  • Set C_INCLUDE_PATH variable in your container if it is required during compilation time (export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/:$C_INCLUDE_PATH for Debian flavours)

Copy the testing image from /apps/gent/tutorials/Singularity to $VSC_SCRATCH

::: prompt :::

For example to compile an MPI example:

::: prompt :::

Example MPI job script: